Now That's Durability!!

Don't just take our word for the durability of the KAYAK®, just look at this picture of the Silks' pool in La Plata, MD (on left) after the F5 tornado.
You can see that the first and second floor, 2 car garage, and patio room are all destroyed but the Kayak® pool is still standing intact, full of water, with the house inside of it. AMAZING isn't it!!!!

And as a personal note, thank goodness everyone was saved.
We were sorry to hear that two prized pet birds were lost to this disaster.

A tree was knocked down by a hurricane and crashed into a KAYAK® pool. Not one drop of water spilled. (on right)



We service the following states: New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, Virginia and West Virginia. 

Call Leisure King Pools & Spas LLC at (888) 788-KING today for a free backyard survey or e-mail us at

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